The Company Formations 247 Blog
Start A Business
Looking to start a business? We look at why now is a perfect time and what you need to do to get a business...
What is an SPV Company?
A Special Purpose Vehicle or SPV is a legal entity that is often arranged as a subsidiary of a company and confers on it...
Covid-19 Accounts Filing Extension
3-month accounts filing extension to their filing deadline is a joint initiative between the government and Companies House. This extension will lighten the compliance...
Service Update: COVID-19
Company Formations 247, like many other businesses, has implemented processes for our staff to Work from Home. We will endeavour to continue to provide...
Paying Dividends to Shareholders
Dividend options and multiple share classes for your employees
Are you thinking about paying dividends to shareholders? You might also be considering how to pay...
Customer service: how it can make or break your company
It’s the biggest bugbear that consumers have. If there’s an issue with a product or service, contacting that help line, online or off, can...
What Happens To a Company if a Sole Shareholder dies?
What Happens to a Company if a Sole Shareholder Dies?
On the death of a sole shareholder, what happens to their company? In this article,...
VAT Charges for Construction Services
Delays in VAT Charges for Construction Services
The government in September 2019 reached an agreement to delay domestic reverse charge VAT for building and construction...
What is Making Tax Digital?
What is Making Tax Digital?
April 2019 saw HMRC introduce the much talked about Making Tax Digital on VAT. This doesn’t have to be overwhelming though...
Open a Business Bank Account with Your New Limited Company
Business Bank Accounts
With so many business bank accounts to choose from, how do you know which bank is best when you register your new...
Do you know what SPVs are?
SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles)
We have seen an increase in requests for the registration of special purpose vehicles for property investment purposes since the changes...
Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Trust
Most people are aware of and somewhat perplexed by "Bitcoin" and the emergence of Cryptocurrencies, that they by and large do not understand. Perhaps...
Challenger Banks – Who Will Survive The Challenge?
Challenger Banks
There are a dizzying number of "Challenger Banks" emerging to take advantage of the post Credit Crunch shake up in banking regulations, and...
Changes to the PSC Regime
PSC Register Changes
Prior to 26th June, every company was required to ‘check and confirm’ their PSC information on their annual confirmation statement (CS01). The...
5 Ways to Market your Business for Virtually Free
Many entrepreneurs feel discouraged because they don’t have the funds to spend on huge marketing budgets and they, wrongfully, assume that it isn’t possible...
How Good Storytelling Can Help Raise your Business
What is storytelling for business? If you are looking to raise the profile of your company. Increase sales of your products or services and grow...
Business Lessons from Hit TV Show Billions
The one show every entrepreneur should watch If you haven’t seen it already, Billions is an American TV drama series based around leading character Bobby...
What does data mining means for business?
Data mining for business, how important is it? Over the last few years, data has not only become a valuable tool for marketing but...
Top 10 business news of the week #34
Keeping up with the news can be tricky. Even the most eagle-eyed observer can miss a vital news story. We think being up-to-date on...
Tech capitals of Europe
Tech is booming across Europe and new startups have become the norm rather than the exception in many cities. London leads the way but Berlin,...